Over Ethiopian food the other night my girlfriends and I had a conversation about relationships. At first the conversation circled around the norm. Sex, feelings and marriage. As we conversed I noticed my friends were clear and concise about the men they were looking for, their expectations and what they would and would not tolerate. (Did I mention that my friends were white) Well being the only sister in the Ethiopian restaurant. (Beside the owners) I became overwhelmed with all these recent thoughts on the state of black women today.
Everywhere I look now days sisters are painted as some modern day old maid. We are being told that our ambitions and careers are the reasons we can't find martial bliss. That we most forgo our self-esteem and drive just to attain a ring. Well to that I say "I'll pass". Well, let's not be too hasty, There are other options. We can simply date outside our race, to this I also "pass".
But why should we?
I love black men. (Too much some may say)I adore them. They wreak of strength, power and intelligence. Their bodies seem to beat like a African drum when they walk pass, summoning one to join. However some refuse to own it.
Their confidence seems cocky and contrived.(Rooted in this hip-hop culture) instead of regal and strong. Their strength seems diminished by a cloud they have allowed to follow them.
So, instead of why aren't successful black women married? the question becomes ...what has happen to the Black man's self-esteem? While black women have found theirs, black men seem to have lost some. One could argue this is the reason black love has become extinct.
"Black girls are ruining black boys" a friend told me." How so?" I asked to no response. Some brothers argue that it starts with single black mother's raising boys alone. That is definite a point. But is it a point that only black women need to consider? Yeah,yeah, yeah...we ran you off with our demands and constant badgering. But have you ever considered where that badgering comes from? I say the heart! What black men don't understand about black women is we are their biggest advocate. Advocates that help to get things going. Shit, once its going we all enjoy the ride. (Don't we!!!) This may be hard to believe but we too want exactly what you want. But to you its just nagging and an obvious a reason to give up:(
Now don't get me wrong, some women complain about great black men. But I believe those women also struggle with self esteem. Sadly, those are the women black men choose.

I was that woman once. (The one with low self esteem) I allowed myself to be dragged through a relationship full of turmoil and low expectations. Until one day, I emerged from the fire and started to believe in myself. The relationship ended that day. I can't blame the relationship because I allowed it ...so I blame me! I allowed my self esteem to be taken away. But guess what? Since then it hasn't happened again. That man lacked self esteem but he never tried to find it. He was beaten and tired and just stopped trying. This is something that I see in my community everyday.
So where do we go from here? Honestly, I don't know. Mothers of young black boys have the power to start anew. Insuring that black boys/ men love themselves in a genuine way. Knowing who they are and believing it everyday. *sidenote, this doesn't come through coddling and lack of responsibility* However, all I can say to black men is believe, believe, believe!!!!! Because we do:)
P.S I took that picture of that lovely black couple married 50 years and still going strong. They go to the theater every Tuesday.
Stay fly!!!!